Thursday, July 10, 2014

So close...

Day 10
9 July

Billings, Montana to Colorado Springs, Colorado
8 hrs 44 min 621 miles

Today was our longest day yet! We drove to Colorado Springs to my in-laws house where we will get to relax and be out of the car for a few days! Since we had a late night we let Chase sleep in while the older two went swimming again with their Aunt Hope. We brought up breakfast from downstairs and ate it on our balcony over looking the inside of the hotel.

Once on the road we made a push to Cheyenne, Wyoming where we found Chick-fil-a! We got it to go because we wanted to get to the Springs as soon as possible!

The last 2 hours of driving was the worst; so close yet so far away! Chase kept complaining about how long it was taking because he just wanted to be at Mimi and Papas! After arriving we unloaded the trailer, chatted for a bit and hit the hay! It was a long day of driving and so nice to be somewhere familiar!

Monday we will make the drive to Altus; one more 8 hr drive and we will be to our new base. It just doesn't seem real that we are moving yet; it feels like a vacation....


Where her Daddy was born :)


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