Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just Moosin' Around

Day 11
Tuesday, 25 July

Fort Nelson, British Columbia to Watson Lake, Yukon Territory
313 km 7 hrs 24 min

Today we made some awesome memories. We saw about 5 different animals alongside the Alaskan Highway; buffalo, caribou, stone sheep, black bears, and rams. It's like driving through one of those safari adventures, but 10 times better! Beautiful scenery, truly wild animals in their natural habitat, and it's free!

We made a quick stop to get one of those "buttery cinnamon rolls" we had seen signs on the side of the road for for the last few miles, sounded good, so why not? Wow, the most ridiculously messy but incredibly delicious cinnamon roll I've ever had! I didn't want to share with anyone, but it was ginormous, so I guess I had to....

We saw quite a few beautiful lakes on the drive! Between Muncho Lake and Watson Lake (where we are staying the night), we found some natural hot springs to take the kids "swimming". Best $10 Canadian money I've ever spent! It was so beautiful, and so relaxing! There were probably about 15 other people there, so it wasn't too crowded. The kids were hesitant at first, they didn't like walking on the rocks that were on the bottom, but once they got in, we couldn't get them out!

After (reluctantly) leaving the hot springs, it was a couple more hours to our stop for the night.
There's a really cool sign forrest here, I got a few pictures of, but we are going to check it out more tomorrow....

I'm going to put up another post so I can show you some more pictures from today (I'm only able to post 5 at a time)

Mama caribou and babies

Stone sheep crossing the road

Muncho Lake


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