Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Someones Bound to get Sick

Day 4

No driving necessary since we are spending a few days here at the farms.
Gabe's Mom has a few brothers that live and farm here in Comfrey and Darfur, MN.

Gabe has many memories of visiting these farms in the summertime. I remember I first visited the farms the summer after we were married. Apparently it was a test to see if you could make it in the family if you could shower in Grandmas basement without getting freaked out by the spiders and lizards and such, and of course, I passed!

Well, anyway, today we took Chase to the hospital. I knew he had been getting sick the last few days and after watching him during the night and monitoring his breathing, I knew we needed to get him in- better now then waiting until the drive through Canada. Turns out he has a mild case of pneumonia in the left lung. After going through double pneumonia and RSV(and 6 days in the hospital) a few months earlier, I wasn't surprised. Thankfully, we caught it early, and thankfully we were in a small town and were in and out of the hospital in just 2 hours. Gabe's Aunt Ruth was able to watch the older two, which made things easier as well.

After we left the hospital we went to downtown St James and visited the bakery where Gabe used to go to when he was a kid, of course we had to get a few delicious pastries as well!

We got back to Aunt Ruth and Uncle Davids farm, picked up the kids and took them to cousin Andy's house so we could all take a nap before dinner.

We all met up for dinner at the one and only restaurant in town. Gabe's 3 uncles, their wives, and two of his cousins came, it was great visiting with them!

After dinner we headed over to Uncle Bruce's farm to see the sheep and the baby cow, and of course, catch fireflies! On the way we stopped and got some pictures on the farmland we own, we rent it to his cousin Andy, who farms on it.

It was a great day! So thankful that we were with family when we needed to take Chase to the hospital, and thankful we were able to catch it early!

A coffee shop in downtown St James, where 2 years ago,
while Gabe was deployed, I posted his picture, and his brother,
Mikes picture on this board of service men and women. delicious!

Uncle David and Aunt Ruth's farm

The 15 acres of farmland we own!

Dad and his boys with our farmland (Grandma Englin's
farm in the background)

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