Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Makes Me Wanna Take the Back Road

Day 5

Today we took Chase to a follow up appointment back in St James. The doctor said he sounded a bit better and as long as he kept up with his medicine and breathing treatments, then he should be fine!

Thankfully, Aunt Ruth watched the older two kids again for the doctors appointment. And, we just happened to drive by the bakery, again ;)

After the appointment we came back to the farm, where we were fed fresh ground hamburgers and an array of yummy foods! I told Aunt Ruth I couldn't eat like this every day! We have been hanging out here and planning the rest of our drive to Alaska. The kids had a few tractor and gator rides as well. Ahhh, life on the farm is good!!! (Sad to leave tomorrow!)

JD helping Uncle Bruce feed the sheep

Uncle Bruce taking us on a ride to see the baby cow

I love Uncle Bruce!

Cheyenne and Cousin Andy

JD's turn!

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